Other than the colossal meltdowns of various members of the family, turning us into one of those families on the...
In the interest of remaining non-offensive toward my many, many Catholic friends (and if I had a church, it would...
Arcade memories
Well, actually, this one would be more like “bar memories,” but I ran across this old photo and, man, I...
R.I.P., Hunter S.
I can’t let the passing of Hunter S. Thompson go without comment, but I’ll steer away from the banal jokes...
When you get down to the bottom of a bag of Chex Mix that your kids have thoroughly pawed through,...
Captain Easy and naked skiing
Well, actually, it’s his sidekick, Wash Tubbs, that I’m thinking of, because every time we’ve had a great day skiing,...
Of course I went to The Gates
How could I not? It’d be like skipping the Armory Show in 1913 (except, they didn’t know it would be...
Running ragged
Haven’t been able to write because I have just been running ragged. I did get to see The Gates in...
Guess who finally figured out how to breathe right while swimming? (Yes, I know, four-year-olds master this. But I wasn’t...
All work and no play
Just wouldn’t be right . . . shots of California (and more to come) at Flickr, just click on the...