DSC_0756 sm.jpg“It’s a shame we can’t reuse those practically brand new countertops you’re going to throw out, Mom.” Next thing I know, my kitchen is a worksite. There is painting, and drilling, and plumbing, and sanding, and countertop finishing, and every tool I own is in the kitchen, and we’re working around it trying to make meals. And, of course, get our regular work done. I should know better than to give my mother an idea about renovating things, especially when she’s not offering to actually do the work.

By the way, “measure twice, cut once”? How about “measure twice, then before you cut go back and check the original dimensions that you’re working from and be sure they were right in the first place”? Because I don’t want to believe that a certain replacement drawer is cursed, but it doesn’t seem possible I could build it to the wrong size twice, so gypsy curse becomes the most believable explanation.


  1. Yes, because I have an old Vivitar 283 that I couldn’t stand to part with, and I’ve been unwilling to spend money on a proper Nikon flash. So I stuck a Peanut Slave in the Vivitar, cut the on-camera flash down to 1/16 strength or so, and hope the camera figures out the exposure for me. It’s usually not bad.

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