Rebekah jazz 120

Do they still take your kids away if you let them find out about jazz? At the Aldrich Piano store during Troy Night Out, these jazz guys were nice enough to let Rebekah sit in with them. Rebekah lays down some notes during Troy Night Out. She was all like "Für Elise," and they were all like "Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter."


  1. hello, I read you today in wonkette.I’m french and I will say :I probably blew smoke up Mitt Romney’s nose and spit coffee onto his white shirt and didn’t even pretend to listen as he spun his lies about magic lizards and mystical printing plate, and how native americans aret he lost tribe of israel.I probably even scoffed at his missionary bicyle. And then I said “of course I speak English, but not to you, you of the magical undergarments”^^(and i’m sure he dont’ speak french ! how fourbe is he !)nice “photographies” !

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