
Let the winter begin!

First Ice (November 019)

Okay, we had a long, beautiful fall, warmer and sunnier (and drier) than I had any right to, and as a result there was MUCH cycling, almost enough to make up for a weak spring. Oddly this year, time was not the issue, just competing priorities — rebuilding part of the garage in the spring, finally finishing the staircase project this fall. Now I haven’t been out in a couple of weeks because the sun has been fickle, it’s been windy, I’m chafing, my eyelids are tired or any one of a number of lame excuses for not doing it. So I gotta get out there today, if only for an hour.

Yesterday I went to the gym and, blasphemy of blasphemies, rode a cycling machine. Worse than that, it was one of the new ones with a video screen that lets you ride various imaginary courses. Goofiest thing ever, but a lot less boring than just riding the machine, which usually lasts about five minutes for me. It was even a pretty good simulation, adding resistance where appropriate and remembering when I had momentum. It was almost fun. I’m so ashamed. Still, no simulator is anything like an actual bike, so perhaps my shame will get me double-bagged into tights and winter riding jacket and get me the hell-damn out there today!

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