The weekend started with a Friday night trip to the emergency room — bad fall, nothing broken, and I think it always brightens the hospital if you arrive in a half-angel half-devil Halloween costume. In addition to Rebekah’s knee, they x-rayed her stuffed dog, so the night wasn’t a total loss. Sun peeked in on Saturday, and while yesterday was dry, the winds were gusty around 40-50 mph, and I just didn’t feel like getting blown all over the road so I stayed off the bike (wise, given how much tree debris is on the shoulders right now). Imagined getting up early this morning and getting a short one in before work, but the wind is still howling and it’s still pretty dark at 7 a.m. Those rollers can’t come soon enough.

Made it up last week with a little swimming, anyway. With swim team practice it’s almost impossible to get a lane at our Y, but twice I was able to sneak in right after work, get my half-hour, and get out. At least it’s something.

Took Hannah to see “The Corpse Bride” yesterday. It was incredible. Tim Burton tells a great story — in this case one I don’t know that I’ve ever heard before — and does it in a combination of puppetry and animation that is just stunning. The visuals at the end were unbelievable. Glad I didn’t take the younger one, though — I think a maggot repeatedly popping out the corpse bride’s eyeball might have been a bit much for her.

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