
Smashing records

Well, all previous records for late-season cycling continue to be smashed. A season that I usually give up with a final, gloomy, cold ride on or about Thanksgiving has been supplemented with weather that has been 50ish and sunny throughout December, with a new late date set every weekend and leading to what I was sure would be the final ride on Christmas eve, a ride as pleasant as any spring day could hope to give. But the days continue to be crazy warm, and Saturday it got up to 67 (though I didn’t ride, we did take a walk in The Crossings park in Colonie), and yesterday it nudged 50 again under strong sun. If the sun is out, I can take it down to about 40 in my warm cycling clothes — much below that and it becomes a trudge, and the wind stings my eyes too much. Even with the warm temps I can’t get out much since I’m still working, and the daylight just isn’t long enough. But if this ridiculous weather keeps up, I will have biked in every month of the year, something I haven’t accomplished since I was about 15 (and which really didn’t count, anyway, since that was just crazy kid riding in the snow stuff).

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