I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing when I’m working with concrete, and every time I do it, I think that maybe I’ll get a little better. Maybe I am, but it seems there are just some things that I would be better off leaving to the pros, and concrete might be one of those things. But here I am, playing with concrete. I now have three of four decrepit cellar windows replaced and properly framed in, and last night I embarked on the project of refacing the foundation block on the south side. We’ll see if I have any idea what I’m doing. I do know that this is not work for even the moderately tall, and that mosquitoes are a problem when you’ve got a trowel in your hand. I blame all this on my father and his brothers, who (in my estimation, colored by the fact that I was about eight years old) used to borrow cement mixers and lay down new sidewalks just for lack of anything better to do.
More new photos at my Fotolog site, for those who care. I’ve got to get all this stuff under one roof someday, but I’m not sure I can bring myself to use the same webhost as Wil Wheaton.