
We’re Googling our lives away, people!

Listen, if you’ve somehow come to this site because you did a perfectly innocent search on “glycerol ester of wood rosin” or, my most recent victory, “iliotibial band,” all I can say is, thanks for visiting and I hope you’re easily amused. I would think it’s perfectly obvious that I have nothing useful to say on either of these topics, but they generate a lot of traffic! Apparently there are a LOT of people like me who will search for a topic and hope to find something that is only tangentially connected to what they were looking for in the first place. (For the person looking for “pictures of Whipple Truss,” I’m sorry. But I’ll try to fix that deficiency.) (And for all of you who have searched for “Bennington College Photos,” my apologies. I have photos of Bennington, and I have photos of college (and even one of Southern Vermont College), but I don’t have photos of Bennington College. The shame of web deception….)

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