
Best Father’s Day weekend ever

That’s all. It just was. Saturday, a little bit of Troy’s Riverfest and the rock ‘n’ roll stylings of The Fleshtones, who know what to do with wireless guitars and a flatbed trailer converted to a stage. They completely rocked. Then, went to the drive-in with friends to see the best Harry Potter movie yet (that’s three drive-in shows this summer, and Spider-Man 2 is yet to come). They stuck to the core of the story and really made it great.

Yesterday morning, I was awakened by much shuffling and pitter-patting and whispering, and then officially awakened by two beautiful girls in shiny dance costumes carrying a tray of presents. It was incredibly sweet. They gave me a bike repair stand and a new set of tools, which was very nice and much needed. I spent the day finishing the tree fort and cleaning the garage, and tried to get in a bike ride but my headset started coming apart again, which proved the need for the repair stand, so I put it to immediate use.

Also? Dozens more strawberries, and the first of the black raspberries. Love those girls . . . .

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