
Yes, still cold

There are times when the Fahrenheit scale simply fails to sufficiently express the feeling that you get when you step outside. With the first breath, you think: It’s very still out here. Nothing is moving. Not a molecule. But still, it feels kinda nice. Brisk, pleasant. With the second breath, you think: Cold. Cold. Cold, cold, cold.

Not really complaining, mind you, and yes I’m aware people live in colder climates than upstate New York. I pretty much think of 20 degrees Fahrenheit as the dividing line. Above 20, comfort is possible if you just dress right. Below 20, it’s cold. That said, it’s currently -6.0 degrees Fahrenheit, or 252 degrees Kelvin.

I’m running again, though not outside in this cold. I’ve been getting to the Y and running the inside track pretty regularly, and starting to do some weight work again, too. Last year was a disaster for me as far as running is concerned (though I had a great year for bicycling), and I’m determined to get back some semblance of ability and get in a 5k or two this year. I’ve been doing about half an hour a night, plus stretching, situps and some light weights so that I can finally restore my wrist to its pre-porch roof glory (I really messed it up lifting bundles of roofing in September). I get bored on the track, but the iPod helps, and then afterward I treat myself to the steam room or the whirlpool, which seems to keep my heel from getting sore.

I love how my body feels after running, and can’t understand why it can be so hard to talk myself into running, and why I’ll let the slightest discomfort talk me out of it. The endorphins are super-excellent, and I don’t feel sick when I start like I used to, so there’s no reason not to Just Do It. We’ll see when spring comes around if I can get back into an early-morning routine, which gave me an hour of running every day. Or I may end up back on the bike, which I started doing in the early mornings for a while this fall. It just feels good to be doing something again.

This weekend: skiiing, if we have to ski on rocks! But these temps help with the snowmaking, since nothing’s coming out of the sky to speak of.

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