And I won’t mention the Go-Go’s song this time.
Back from vacation — had to get away. Oops, so much for the Go-Go’s. More on all of that later. Right now it’s too hot and muggy to do anything, including think. Which is pretty much how the whole vacation went. Never felt so constantly skeezy in my life.
Odd search requests this week: “old BX cable”, “The Wild Angels ride tonight” (oh yes, I used that phrase in its entirety, and I’m not ashamed of it), and “CNN femmy weather.” I have no idea what that means, but someone from the Netherlands was seeking it out. We’re not afraid of the Dutch!
I know, the pre-written posts were cheesy, but they were all I could do. And, no, I have no idea why one post appeared 6 times, or why I can’t delete it. Some thngs were just meant to be said over and over.