
The suspense is killing me

Lance is 67 seconds up. Yesterday’s was the first stage in which you could truly say that nothing exciting happened. Which is fine. But I’m told that something exciting happened today, and I didn’t want to know if it was exciting good, exciting bad, or exciting Lance broke both his legs. I just don’t want to know. I’m suspecting he wants even more than that 67 second buffer, just in case he has a bad time trial tomorrow. Which he won’t, because it’s not as hot and he won’t make the dehydration mistake again (and really, he just wasn’t on in the first time trial, either.)

Gotta say, this whole Murder in City Hall thing creeps me out more than just a little bit. I do feel better that it was some kind of warped personal-political attack. But as someone who occasionally has to face angry mobs and tell them things they don’t want to hear, and who has done it on a number of occasions in that very chamber, I found the whole thing unsettling. I like to think that once I’ve passed through the metal detectors, there’s some level of security inside. (That’s something that’s not provided for at all, and should be, in the State Legislature’s hearing rooms. Decent security around the chambers, but nothing at all in the hearing rooms across the street.)

The presents are wrapped and ready to go… let the big Double Birthday celebrations begin!

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