It’s links week here on Mel’s Rockpile! I’ve gotten a batch of fresh attention (and let’s face it, stale attention...
Albany Girl Weds Prince of Spain
As I was preparing the new section of my website, Torn From Yesterday’s Headlines!, I was organizing a set of...
You tube
You ain’t seen nothin’. You and I will stick together. You and your symptoms. You are my girl. You are...
I Tunes
I knew. I (heart) metal buildings. I ain’t done wrong. I ain’t gonna suffer no more. I ain’t got you....
Down the Hudson
I was treated to the pleasure of a train ride down the Hudson this week. They used to be a...
So far
So far, 2010, the first year of the teens and the first year to know what the name of its...
Celebrity deaths
There is generally nothing that affects me less than a celebrity death. Other than a knowing cluck of the tongue...
A holiday message
I thought perhaps I had hallucinated this billboard when I saw it last weekend, caught without my camera, and I...
‘Tisn’t the season
The run-up to Christmas always involves more than I expect. No matter how early the “shopping” is done, there is...
A farewell to arms
I had wanted to go to Abruzzi. I had gone to no place where the roads were frozen and hard...