Call from the 20th century
If you had asked me what kind of company would be extremely unlikely to have a website, what kind of company, selling products from another time, would in fact only be reachable by telegram and may even deliver its wares by a combination of steam rail and handcart, well, I would probably have put the company that makes barber poles up near the top of the list.
And yet, here they are, right on the web: The William Marvy Company, proud makers of barber poles, brushes and dusters, and of course Mar-V-Cide sanitizing systems (and don’t you dare call them the poor man’s Barbicide).
For the record, I couldn’t ever see the Barbicide logo without thinking of the genocide of my sister’s Mattel fashion dolls. Perhaps it was a Sweeney Todd thing.
I’m going to stop free associating now.