Erroneous assumptions
A reasonable person, upon arriving home to find little flags in the lawn, utility marker paint all over the street,...
Thoughts for a transition
“I don’t want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don’t want to sell anything...
Overheard at a 13-year-old’s birthday party:“You just dropped the f-bomb in front of a 9-year-old!” “It’s from a movie!”“A moment...
Long week in New York. Stayed way the hell downtown in some almost renovated boutique hotel, trendy as all get-out....
Lazy linkage
I have very little to say other than that I’m getting out on the bike today — earliest road ride...
Some days, the past rings your bell
One of the odd and interesting things about living in pretty much the same area as where you grew up...
Missing either a post, or my mind
I would swear I had written something this week, and I would swear it was brilliant. Remember? Something about sloshing...
My parents’ earworms
From time to time I think how odd it is that my children listen to and enjoy my music, that...
More earworms
Only in my brain, I think, would it be possible to have these earworms all in my head at the...