Too much Independence Day
It should be enough to say that we went to THREE baseball games this weekend. The mascots at the ballpark...
Garage Sale Day
We usually miss this, because we always spend the Fourth of July up in Lake Placid, where there is ski...
Catching up on the news
I’ve missed a couple of things — can people please fill me in?When did Tom Cruise become an expert in,...
Bad flashback!
This hasn’t happened in years, but after ages without any symptoms at all, I now have “Mahna Mahna” stuck firmly,...
Quote of the day
Overheard from a cartoon show my daughter was watching while we were at the dentist this morning:”Did you set your...
Okay, I know, talking about my search requests is boring. And maybe it’s not fascinating that I have had five...
Not one to really wrap myself up in knots over such things, but yesterday was a day of particularly unsustainable...
Last day of school!
Well, if you can call it a “day” — barely a couple of hours. As Hannah was preparing to leave...
The Orientalist<
/div>I’ve been dying to write about this book — The Orientalist, by Tom Reiss — since I started it weeks...