
Going Back, Part Seven: Syracuse University

CJ with the Newhouse quote

In writing about the places we lived in our years at Syracuse University, I failed to convey just how much SU meant to me, and since so much of our visit this past May involved simply walking around campus together and remembering what those years were like, I feel compelled to talk more about SU.

In the last few entries, I wrote about how I felt trapped and lost once I figured out that I didn’t want to be a newspaper journalist. It’s such folly that we expect 16-year-olds to decide their future careers and set an unalterable juggernaut in motion at an age when we don’t even yet really know who we are, let alone what our place in the world should be. Even though it turned out that I didn’t want to be what I wanted to be (cue Amanda Palmer), I was always very pleased with the education I received at Syracuse – a newspaper degree was as close to a liberal arts degree as a career-focused program could get. By its nature, it encouraged a broad course of study and exposed me to a wide variety of disciplines.

CJ in front of Newhouse I
Standing in front of I.M. Pei’s Newhouse Communications Center I – where my whole journey began in 1977 (while still in high school), a mere 47 years ago. Oy.
The plaza is wet because we experienced several of the seasons of Syracuse during a short afternoon walk – it was blisteringly hot in the sun but it was also raining quite hard, at the same time.

Right from the start, my SAT scores let me place out of the universal freshman English requirement, and I was able to take art history in its place – which absolutely blew my mind. Back home, I’d grown up with the Time-Life Library of Art, but had no other exposure to art or art history, and the year-long survey course (taught from Janson) was an incredible mix of art and western civilization, giving me history and perspective I’d never had before (I’m well aware of the shortcomings, but this was 1978). I don’t think any course of study has had a greater impact on my life; there’s certainly no class that I remember more of.

HBC main entry
The main entry to HBC, where I took several classes in the early years, including art history. But I will forever associate it with the many, many movies Lee and I saw together in its two auditoriums.
SU had an incredible number of film series, of which the UU Cinemas schedule was the busiest. This was pre-VHS tapes, before on-demand; there wasn’t even cable TV in the dorms. Going to the movies was the entertainment option. Most movies were presented in HBC’s two auditoriums, though the Saturday night series was in the comparatively comfortable Grant Auditorium in the law school. The seats in Kittredge were brutal, feeling like bare automobile springs underneath nearly unpadded leather.

I had a year of Soviet foreign policy (rendered temporarily, but not permanently, useless just a few years later), a year of medieval history, philosophy (ugh), enough science to prove I was never going to be a biologist, and a raft of classes on the history of the civil rights and antiwar movements. I learned about the historical foundations of modern law, I learned about revolution. I took drama and prose, rhetoric and music history, and all kinds of political science, along with the courses actually required for my newspaper major. My level of effort, unfortunately, directly correlated to my interest in and respect for the class, which does me no credit, but that’s how it was. If it turned out I didn’t care about the subject matter or the instructor, that coursework wasn’t prioritized. When I got behind because of pneumonia, incompletes turned into failures because I lacked the desire to catch up. I wish my GPA had been higher but it reflected that dichotomy – A’s where I cared, C’s where I didn’t.

As much as I complained about being unable to get out of a major I no longer wanted, I loved the education I got, and I loved SU.

I loved the city of Syracuse as well. Coming from another depressed upstate city, it felt very familiar but bigger, and with much more going on. It had a superb museum in the Everson, and an excellent symphony. I loved its raggedy downtown and homegrown department stores, not yet destroyed by leveraged buyouts. I loved the Syracuse Chiefs AAA baseball team, where we could get box seats, food and beer and still not spend $20 between us. When we had access to cars, we went roller skating, miniature golfing, and bowling, all over the city and beyond. We lazed away the summer days at Green Lakes State Park, or at beautiful Emerson Park on Owasco Lake. We would try to escape the brutal summer heat at the city’s swimming pools. In winter, of course, it snowed a lot – nearly 10 feet a year, and often a bit every day – and it felt like my feet were never dry.

Pete Mussi, local newsie, at his stand on the corner of South Salina and Jefferson Streets in 1979. That we now live in a world without newsies seems impossible. Across the street you can see what was then called the Syracuse Area Landmark Theatre, a Casual Corner, and local department store Wells & Coverly.

I’ve been back on campus many times since we moved away in 1989, but this trip felt different. More than ever before, I could see shadows of our former selves all over the campus. Walking into the Noble Room in Hendricks Chapel, changed but not beyond recognition, I could smell the coffee and super sugary donuts, even though People’s Place, still in existence, wasn’t open that day. I could picture the friends I would regularly encounter there – I almost expected them to appear. Walking the echoey halls of Crouse College felt the same, that feeling of entering the Newhouse I lobby was very much the same. We walked the lawn in front of the Hall of Languages, recalling when it was a sea of mud our entire freshman year (except when it was frozen) as HL was under renovations, and we had to try to leap around where the steam lines would make the mud a bit more dry. We crossed University Place and I remembered dropping my keys in the snow, never to be found again. We cut through Newhouse I to Newhouse II like it was second nature – it still is, apparently. We walked past all the various dorms and off-campus apartment buildings, remembering who had lived there back in the day and where the parties were. How young we all were, how beautiful.

Lee and CJ in front of the Hall of Languages
In front of the Hall of Languages, SU’s original building from 1873. It was under renovations our first year so we didn’t get to experience it in its apparently rather decrepit state.

I had five years of undergrad and another two years of grad school there to cement my impressions of the Hill, so nearly every place we visited on campus brought back some kind of strong memory – the insane registration process in Archbold gymnasium (and the much nicer one in Steele Hall when I was in grad school); the soda machine in Lyman Hall that required a certain amount of skill in coin insertion in order to actually get a vital morning Coke; the hours spent in the Community Darkrooms in Watson Hall; the incredible concert by the Psychedelic Furs in Walnut Park. We still remembered all the small frame residences dotting the north end of campus (known as Area or Village housing – just look at this incredible list of “women’s cottages” that no longer exist.), the Bauhaus, the building that housed Spectrum and Student Association. I was there in the years when students were routinely calling for a student union building, and I was there, as a grad student, when they had gotten what they asked for. Hell, I was there when you could still walk through the unenclosed lower stories of both the Physics Building and HBC. I never attended a game at Archbold Stadium (though I worked there during the Empire State Games), but we were there for the “lid-lifter,” the opening game of the Carrier Dome. (However, I don’t follow or care about SU sports, and don’t own a single piece of orange clothing.) Yes, a lot of campus has changed, but a lot hasn’t.

When I pick up next time, I’ll tell about moving off The Hill for the first time in our years there. I’ll even tell you how I graduated. But for now, enjoy some more pretty pictures of a pretty university:

CJ with the Newhouse quote
Inside Newhouse I (there are now three!), this quote from publisher Sam Newhouse still rings true, though I admit I can’t see how it works when the “press” doesn’t really exist, or can’t differentiate itself from the destructive noise that occupies the same channels.
The Noble Room
The Noble Room, in the basement of Hendricks Chapel, was once as close to a student union gathering space as we had. It has become a little smaller through some renovations, and the sleeping couches have been removed, but it’s no less welcoming a space and, incredibly, there’s a piano.
CJ at the piano in the Noble Room
I wasn’t expecting to find a working public piano just sitting around in the Noble Room. The song that I had at top of mind was Amanda Palmer’s “The Bed Song,” as splendidly dark and fatalistic a song as has ever been written. So that’s what I played.
People's Place
People’s Place, the tiny source for coffee, tea and baked goods in the basement of Hendricks Chapel, is still there. It’s frightening to think it was practically brand new when we were in school. Back then, there were very few places to get coffee on campus. There was the tiny snack bar in HBC, and the Rathskellar in Slocum. Otherwise, you had to go all the way to a dining hall.
Byrd Library – the entrance has been dropped a story.
Bird Library – the University Place entrance has been dropped a story. Sometime before 2009, the bridge that went to the second floor was eliminated – and I must say they did an amazing job because I doubted my memory, and wondered if it had ever been there, but it was.
Maxwell and Crouse
Maxwell and Crouse – unchanging landmarks of the SU campus.
The Quad
The Quad – essentially unchanged. On this particular day, no one was throwing a frisbee to their dog. I hope that’s still part of the culture.
View from Crouse College
Almost nothing in this view from the Crouse College hill existed when we were in Syracuse. The wavy building on the right is Newhouse III; the glassy edifice to its left is the National Veterans Resource Center. The taller building beyond the resource center is a massive structure, 727 South Crouse, that took over the space formerly held by the string of little shops, the laundromat, the old post office, and Hungry Charley’s. The dark building on the left midground is the former management school building, now used for administrative offices. The highest tower at upper right is the new management school building.
Lee with Mestrovic's Moses
Lee with Ivan Mestrovic’s Moses – I can’t say enough about how the public art scattered all over the Syracuse University campus affected me.
Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti
A portion of Ben Shahn’s mosaic, “The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti,” on the end wall of HBC Hall. A profound piece of public art that helped shape my worldview.
Lee on the steps up to Crouse College. Often, date night just meant carrying a pizza up that hill and looking out over the Vale of Onondaga as the sun faded in the west.
Class of 1894 rock
Apparently, when the Class of 1894 was casting about for an appropriate gift to their alma mater, someone suggested, “How about a rock?”
Watson Hall back entrance
The Waverly Place entrance to Watson Hall, where for a couple of years I spent many late hours in the Community Darkrooms. I had a weird job where UUTV, the closed circuit campus station available exclusively in dorm lounges, paid for my darkroom membership in exchange for me processing their production slides (E-6 process). This end of Watson also housed the Good Food Store, a health food source, and an occasional foreign and art film series. I remember seeing “Un Chien Andalou” there, as well as “Dance With A Stranger,” though that was clearly after undergrad was over.
Lyman Hall
The lovely Lyman Hall, where Cell Biology 315 gave me my comeuppance. In the back stairs there was a Coke machine with a faulty coin slot – if you were skilled enough to launch your dimes (it only took two, then) across a little gap in the machine, you might be rewarded with a can of soda.

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