
Goodbye, cruel month

And just like that, April is over. Hard to believe. Well, I accomplished much, though you wouldn’t know it from the blog. For starters, I left a job that was very hard to leave — which is something like an accomplishment. More than 17 years of public service, 12 years with the same organization, and 9-1/2 years in the same position, the time finally came to stop being The Man and to return to sticking it to The Man. My days are now filled with blog commenting and angry letters to the editor about the gummint. Okay, not really. Instead, I’m using my time wisely, getting closer to my Sawzall. Spent two days this week (a day longer than should have been necessary) replacing a seriously rotten garage door. Of course, that only led to making the other door (the people door) look ratty in comparison. Okay, it looked ratty without the comparison — a wooden door that we rescued from a junkyard years ago, which I built the frame for, and which hasn’t closed right in years. So, that had to go, too. Daughter came down this morning and said “There’s a hole in the garage wall.” Not entirely accurate — in fact, most of the wall is just gone. It’ll be replaced soon, I promise; in the meantime, the neighboring cats won’t have to sneak into the garage anymore, they can just stroll right in through the lack of front wall.

There has also been bike-riding, old-photo-scanning, shopping, free-timing, book-reading, and a general relaxing that I could get very very used to.

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