
Music in your head

Sometimes the universe puts little hints out there that you need to hear something again, and a couple of little hints led me back to Joe Jackson’s “Night and Day II”, and Elvis’s “When I Was Cruel,” and the universe was right, it was time now to listen to those albums and finally appreciate them (I’m pretty patient with my music, and especially with Joe and Elvis, who owe me nothing).

Other times the universe is just f’ing with you, which is the only explanation for my having heard a miserable song by The Hooters twice in a week. There was never any explanation for their appeal or modest success, and the best I can say of them from the one time I was forced to see them live is that their mugging and self-satisfaction failed to ruin my mood for the unbelievably fantastic Squeeze show that followed. Sometimes you’ve gotta tell the universe to cut it out.

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