And I say that not only because I have known it in my bones for some time now, but because in my last entry I made a screedish note to a band that has been defunct for more than 30 years. Really. If I had a time machine, I would NOT be using it to go back to re-direct the career of Jan & Dean.

In fact, I told the girls the other day that if I had a time machine, I would go back in time and slap myself. Just now, I can’t remember why I would slap myself, but I’m sure I had a reason.

Even though I didn’t ski, just taking the day off yesterday was good for the soul. Got a mess of tools out of Bekah’s new room and put away (yay! Sheetrocker starts on Monday! Go, Sheetrocker, go!), then started battling with the fabulous bounty of cobwebs in the basement. It was a banner year for spiders, and if you fall behind on the cobwebs, there’s no catching up (why are they “cobwebs,” you ask? Cobbe was old or middle English for spider.) Many, many spiders knew what it was to be sucked into a Shopvac yesterday, I can tell you! Plus, I got our knives sharpened and their handles relacquered, sealed up a window I’d missed this summer, got all the paint supplies in one place, and shined up some rusty screwdrivers. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

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