Still cleaning up
Okay, it’s not quite as bad as what the folks down south are dealing with post-hurricane, but have you seen...
Back. . .
And exhausted. I’m told some people take vacations to rest. I’ve got to figure out how that works. Nice week,...
Where’ve I been?
This week was utterly insane. I am exhausted. I can’t really get into what it’s all about, but I think...
I’m going to write a play in the style of the Theatre of the Absurd, something vaguely Pinteresque, and I’m...
Turkeys, but not the kind you eat
God, remember the ’70s? When calling someone “turkey” was a common epithet? How bizarre. Nice bike rides this weekend. Did...
Ain’t it great when your hometown makes the news? Just last week, the Times had a story reminding us of...
Put you in the Hall of Fame
Two little beauties who will someday get (and yet, groan at) my Christy Mathewson joke. Bekah and Hannah at Gehrig’s...
Not biking in the mornings, because I’m not sleeping in the nights. I blame the government.Spent the evening fighting a...
Woodstock without the peace . . .
Or the love, or the drugs. Just the mud. Wet, nasty, clingy, clay mud. Nastiest camping trip ever. It must...
Birthdays done, Christmas shopping complete
We’re through the annual July birthday parade — 3 days (at least) of celebrations for Rebekah (not counting the day...