Bike repair
So, raise your hand if you’ve hand-packed wheel bearings more recently than the Carter administration. My hands are still firmly...
You would think that by now I would be able to recognize the warning signs of a creeping obsession before...
Dental, damn!
I’ve had a revelation. From now on, I’m going to schedule all major dental work so that I can sit...
Dutch, disclaimed
A disclaimer on a Dutch e-mail that came my way:De informatie verzonden met dit e-mailbericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de...
Cool web tricks
This is so cool. Though somewhat less than self-evident. Enter your favorite musician’s name in the white box (under the...
Hail, Hail, Rock ‘n’ Roll
Getting our annual bout of Apocalyptic Spring Weather, including endless rolling thunder, massive lightning, and hail the size of mini...
Great and disturbing read
Don’t know how this book slipped under my radar — maybe I thought it would be too much like “Carter...
Hole in the supermarket
Just thought I should share, once again, that it’s probably best to self-censor what you’re listening to on the iPod...
Mouths of babes
The girls were in the backyard having a swordfight the other day, while I was working on building the new...
Didn’t die, didn’t embarrass myself
Ran a 9:28 pace pretty consistently (not discounting the 30 or 40 seconds it took to actually get to the...