The Day Summer Died
Okay, a little dramatic, but I felt a lot worse than that just a few days ago. Now I’m just...
After yesterday’s flight, that four-hour drive to (and another four back) from Rochester looks pretty good. The trip home wasn’t...
I’m not yet ready to deal with or explain how summer as we know it has been cancelled (maybe tonight),...
Battery-operated mop
Yes, I was a little surprised/stunned to learn that my new mop requires 4 AA batteries. But the Swiffer Wet...
Would it be too much to ask that the dishwasher know it needs to be run, and that it fill...
Hot jumprope
Thanks to one of those bizarre serendipities the web brings, my long-ago quoting of Elvis’s “New Amsterdam” brought a visit...
Went to the Hall of Fame with Hannah’s class yesterday. One of the things we learned about was amyotrophic lateral...
One big world
Someone left a note for a photo I uploaded to a group fotolog of, of all things, dashboards. Hey, I...
A few more miles
After lazing off yesterday (well, actually, just couldn’t make the time fit the need to ride), I finally got out...
All apologies
Am I the only one who thinks a certain community in New Jersey should adopt the saucy-but-’80s-retro slogan “Metuchen Myself”?...