The Amtrak Shuffle
Thoughts from the train — Oddest shuffle mode ever. Chose “recently added” playlist, which is now shuffling among Elvis Costello’s...
Stay up too late reading (when I should be studying French). Get up damned early. Get on train to NYC....
Bikes are everywhere!
Friendly reminder — spring is here, idiots like me are out on the road, and when was the last time...
It’s all about entertainment
Okay, maybe it sounds like I’m being defensive, but in fact I appreciate the helpful suggestions regarding the, um, shortcomings...
No more shootin’ the curls
Just read that Jan Berry of Jan & Dean has died. Not too long ago, I found a Belgian pressing...
Time to wake up the quadriceps!
If you could easily walk up and down the stairs last night, then you probably didn’t decide that 19 miles...
One song
Sometimes it takes just one song to just completely spin me off into a space I haven’t been in for...
Hey, get off my iPod’s back!
Just to respond to some comments on the contents of my iPod, I feel the need to make some clarifications:...
Honestly, not looking for validation,
but, wanna see what’s on my iPod?God, it’s like I’m 12, showing off my 45s. But I had this script,...
Warning: Nostalgic Rhapsodizing Ahead
Not too long ago Hannah needed a cardboard box for a Girl Scout project, and she said one of the...