How do you say “Windows sucks!” en francais?
Sorry, I dropped the cedilla there. Can’t find it on my Windows keyboard. Also, I came in this morning and...
Rain of Frogs
Remember there was that one piece of “Magnolia” that went just a little over the top, but was great in...
Things you don’t want to hit with your bike
In ascending order of importance: 1. Pretty much anything. 2. A turkey vulture. You cannot imagine how large one of...
Best Rock ‘n’ Roll Movie Ever
“School of Rock” totally rocked. Believe me, I didn’t expect to be saying that anyone, including me, would be able...
Comment allez-vous? Comment, all of you!
At the urging of several (who I’m sure could be organized into a flash mob if I had to —...
As Pogo said,
Actually, I don’t think it was Pogo, but some character in the strip said, “When you starve with a tiger,...
At the risk of moving my totally excellent Belgian paver joke further down the page, I thought I’d mention that...
Belgian pavers
I’ve had a number of people come to my blog lately looking for information on “how to lay Belgian pavers.”...
True Confessions
I am prepared to admit that, during the ’80s, I did in fact wear clothing that involved mesh fabric. And...
Bruce is forgiven
Never a Springsteen fan, not even a little bit. Some combination of the lyrics, the fist-pumping, the bandanna just don’t...