How dark was it?!
My decision to switch from not running in the mornings to not biking has finally paid off, as I accidentally...
Blog poetry
Courtesy Rob’s amazing poem generator: My pseudonym. I ever would have the and the Daily newspaper. It I would work...
We’re losing daylight, people!
Are you aware that we are currently losing 3 minutes of daylight each and every day?When is our government going...
Toe shoes
Hannah is going en pointe. You cannot imagine the excitement associated with this. It’s the holy grail of her girlhood....
Being deposed for a lawsuit is like dental work, but without all the interesting things going on in your mouth...
Let’s stay away from the deep and meaningful, okay?
Wow, did that suck. If you had any idea what I was talking about in that last entry, great. If...
Daily Orange Reunion
Imagine or remember that there was a time in your life when everything was new, everything was possible, when you...
Too . . . much . . . pressure!
Gotta be witty, and yet respectful. Gotta make it interesting to people who have no idea what I’m talking about,...
No words
There just are no words for what the Daily Orange reunion this weekend was like. Well, there are, but I...
Avast, me hearties!
Arrrr! At least, sure as the sun sets over the yardarm, finally it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!...