Hey, who turned out the lights?
Okay, I’ve had about enough excitement and emergencies for one lifetime. Enough! Oh so clever me, whose laptop was still...
Quick notes
CT scan yesterday was no big deal. I await the results telling me whether I have any sinuses or not....
I’ve seen rain, and I’ve seen rain
But the thing is, with a $400 tent, it just doesn’t matter.So, here’s the deal on the week in Burlington....
And I won’t mention the Go-Go’s song this time.
Back from vacation — had to get away. Oops, so much for the Go-Go’s. More on all of that later....
Identical cousins
Cathy adores a minuet, the Ballet Russe and crepes Suzette. Patty loves to rock ‘n’ roll. A hot dog makes...
I need to know
Does anyone else think there’s a lost scene from “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World” in which Jim Backus...
It is pouring. I am in a tent. That is all. (Except that today I rode on a bike path...
Gone Campin’!
Why did it take me so long to discover compression sacks? These little numbers are gonna change my life, or...
Warning: Deep Thoughts Ahead
Here’s what happens when you go into deep touchy-feely training for a couple of days. You think thoughts like:People always...
Side Effect du Jour
Those who guessed “nausea” are awarded five points. All others, thank you for playing. So, here’s the deal. My sinuses...