Do you realize that I cannot think of a single song, not a solitary one, about a high school reunion?...
Holy Naked Duckhunting Girls, Batman!
Okay, I got a couple of disturbing search requests yesterday. By disturbing search requests, I mean someone typed an odd...
Tired and Sleepy
I’m so tired, you can’t even imagine. No longer sure if this is a side effect of the Avelox (which...
What a race!
Wow. Unbelievable race for the 100th anniversary of the Tour de France. Lance arrived safely to his closest and perhaps...
Le Tour est fin (almost)
Have to realize that even if he hadn’t fallen, Ullrich (who is surely the second greatest athlete in the world,...
1. Easy Way. 2. Hard Way. 3. My Way
Many people build a treehouse by finding a tree of substantial girth and nailing random pieces of wood (or not-so-random,...
The suspense is killing me
Lance is 67 seconds up. Yesterday’s was the first stage in which you could truly say that nothing exciting happened....
Quick notes
When and how, exactly, am I supposed to go grocery shopping when the Tour de France is taking up my...
Web-commerce props
I wanna give props to four e-tailers who have just in the past couple of weeks given me what I...