Humor and threats
A friend wrote that, although my re-turtle joke was beneath her (say, in the way that the Titanic is beneath...
Random notes
24-mile ride through the hills of western Rensselaer County yesterday afternoon. Took a route I haven’t used before, made several...
Does this look any better?
This is a test. This is only a test. In the event of actual new content, you would be advised...
New photos
Bunch of new (and some very old) photos over at Fotolog. Check them out and leave a note. Also, I’m...
Helter skelter!
Okay, just one more. See previous entry below. Now, imagine 10-year-old running into the bedroom this evening and screaming (for...
Golden slumber parties
Okay, I promise, no more Beatles-related titles. But I couldn’t pass up that one. Though, of course, there’s nothing golden...
No deposit, …
Dead snapping turtle on the side of the road out on 151 has seen better days. Noticed this morning that...
I Feel Fine
I had a brief flirtation (lasting for about half my shower this morning) with the idea of titling every entry...
My year of living nostalgically
Just for the record, I have voluminous reunions to attend this year, and none of them are the result of...