Hey, don’t update me, man!
If you can put a variation of that phrase together with Dick Whittington’s cat, your mind is officially as scary...
They Might Be Giants still stuck in my head
Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads . . . .
Pansy dishware
Or perhaps dishwear, the jury is still out. Bizarre search term of the week, and apparently a lot of people...
This weather…
The sun is just fucking with us, now. I mean it. More than 72 hours of nothing but rain in...
Be honest. Am I losing my street cred? ‘Cause if I am, I can get some more, I’m sure. You...
Don’t they have to tell me if I’ve gone public?
Hey, I’ve been Blogshared! I thought I had to sign up for that, but apparently not . . . Oddly...
Stupid web tricks
Courtesy of Rob’s Amazing Poem Generator, a poem based on my blog. The best one yet, I think: My bones...
Arrgh! Light that burns!
Look out! Giant ball of fire in sky! Oh, never mind. Just the sun. I forgot. Don’t worry, it’s gone.
I’m insufferable, truly
Wife: “Would you start the dishwasher?” Me: “I will, but I warn you, once started, I cannot stop it. No...
Don’t look at your feet!
Did you ever get to work and suddenly have the odd sensation that perhaps you had worn Tevas instead of...