Welcome to the Circus of Pain!
My stress has migrated to the left back side of my neck, really down toward the shoulder. I used to...
Hey daddy-o,
I don’t wanna go / to New York-o . . . I was whining about this last night (“Where don’t...
Google madness
Things people came to my sites looking for yesterday: “glycerol ester of wood rosin” of course “Border Ruffians of Missouri”...
The Wild Angels Rode Last Night!
Are your breakfast choices sometimes (or often) driven by whether or not you’ve remembered to run the dishwasher? (“No bowls?...
From The Weakerthans’ “Watermark”: But the airport’s always almost empty this time of the year, So let’s go play on...
Remember Mazzy Star?
Suddenly, I do. Atmospheric. Evocative. Unspeakably beautiful. And a nice antidote to Abba’s “Fernando,” which was stuck in my head...
Enough with the transitions, already!
More retirement celebrations on Friday — 14 people who work for me in one fell swoop (many more to come),...
Back in sunny, but frigid, Albany
Air travel is completely not worth the time anymore. I don’t really enjoy opening my belt for someone who doesn’t...
The glamour of business travel
Please use care when opening the overhead bins as items may have shifted allegiance during flight. So, here’s what a...
Air Travel Nightmares
Had a dream that my bag got lost, and nobody in the airport would help me because they were going...