Was goyng to wryte about a dream of lost luggage and ayrport staff syngyng Chrystmas carols yn March — but...
It’s our nation’s capital, you know…
First time in scenic DC since last fall, I think. The view coming in tonight was stunning, we came around...
Flashback (again)
As I drove in to work this morning, the marquee of the Palace Theatre promised that Hall & Oates would...
In brief
Movie: “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.” I’m not a big fantasy fan, but of course I read...
Humpty Dumpty
Aimee Mann’s sublime Humpty Dumpty is running through my head this morning: Say you were split, you were split into...
This morning, for reasons that cannot be explained, I was subjected to considerable quantities of Neil Young on my radio,...
Electricity in my mouth
Ever forked up a giant mess of Dave’s Italian Burrito and accidentally gotten a little bit of the aluminum foil...
Dissed by my daughter
Got home a little late, and everybody was already eating. Bekah asks what held me up and I said that...
Mom, 1956
Barbara in 1956, 17 years old and looking for trouble. I’ve been scanning in my grandmothers’ photo albums again. It’s...
Who fit the battle o’ Crown Point?
Apparently, some class somewhere must have had an assignment on the Battle of Crown Point, because I just had the...