News in brief
Skiing: Gore, not bad, a little slushy and I was a little tired. Did a mess of diamonds, though the...
And in cycling news:
Lance Armstrong and his wife have apparently separated. This always seems to happen after the book or movie touting how...
Things blowing up
Of course, the day I finally blow off work to go skiing would be the day when things happen. I...
It’s melting! It’s melting!
It’s 36 degrees and sunny, and things are melting at last. I would normally bitch about this because it’s going...
Today’s brain marshmallow
“A Taste of Honey.” Not The Beatles’ version, or even the Ventures’ version, but the full-on ’60s hokum Herb Alpert...
Marshmallow songs
The kind that stick to your brain. Why is it, when I have not heard it or anything remotely like...
Surrealist Birthday
Andre Breton was born on this day in 1896. Happy fish! Or, as Zippy the Pinhead used to say, “If...
Shadows in photographs
Scanning old photographs that belonged to my grandmother and great-grandmother. Most are just snapshots or studio poses, and not too...
One of the things that I really love about skiing, right from the start when I took it up two...
So damned cold
So cold we actually bailed on skiing yesterday. We were going to go up north for an adult ski day,...