Duct tape? Please . . .
You know, it’s pretty hard to defend a government that actually tells people to go out and stock up on...
Been too swamped to post (unlike Wil Wheaton, who’s just letting the man get him down). I officially received control...
25% healthier
At least, one person in the family got out of the house today, which would be me. Others are getting...
Strep! Strep for everybody!
Not sure who was the Typhoid Mary for this particular episode, but during the night every single one of us...
Aimee Mann at the Egg
Yes, she looks in person pretty much the same as she looks in videos — lanky, stunning eyes, and a...
Johnny Cash’s sins will be forgiven.
Mine, not so much. Listening to the latest, and many say the last, Johnny Cash album. “Personal Jesus”? In music,...
Mastercard, I’m . . .
Is there anyone else who misses the vague sense of menace and mischief wrapped up in James Coburn’s dangerous smile...
Syracuse, 1979
Some loyal readers already know about this, and the rest of you truly won’t care, but for those of us...
A poem<
The fine line between fair use and infringement gets crossed when a poem consists of a single word and a...
Shocking, just shocking
Truly, the shocking thing is that it took this long for Phil Spector to snap and finally shoot someone. Speaking...