An off day
Too difficult to explain, but mornings that begin with screaming, fighting children tend not to go well after that. Warren...
Okay, maybe it WAS the last great sunny day
I’m not complaining, because I’ve got a serious skiing jones, but how is it possible to go from a high...
The last great sunny day
I keep thinking that this is the last great warm sunny day of the year, but they keep on coming....
The architecture of our past
Douglas Coupland in “Polaroids of the Dead” wrote lovingly of the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver, how that landmark shaped...
So much city, yada yada
Finally got to go back to New York after a long hiatus in travel, partly imposed by work requirements and...
My sprained foot
My sprained foot (not a film starring Daniel Day-Lewis, and in no way related to The Christy Mathewson Story) (perhaps...
Winona Ryder needs comforting
Well, it’s not like I’m hopping on a jet to LA or anything. But still, the opportunity . . ....
Winning isn’t everything…
But it sure puts food on the table. Nice, clean win for the Gov. While I could never quite scrounge...
New Old Photos
Okay, I’m finally done with the tweaking. For any who care, a whole mess of photographs from high school and...
I hate election day
My choices for election day are always either to go out and do all the volunteer work, such as rousting...