You can never leave home
No matter how far I go in life, no matter how much experience I gain, how expert I am in...
Summer night
Is there anything sweeter than a summer night with your friends as a teenager? Dropped off the teenager at the...
Trouble in the peloton,
and a bee in the belly. Although I haven’t been boring you lately with my fanatical love of the Tour...
Call from the 20th century
If you had asked me what kind of company would be extremely unlikely to have a website, what kind of...
Stop the madness
My 11-year-old daughter is on the phone. With a boy. Arranging a date.And here I was just about to give...
Summer jobs that would suck
#143: Telling people they can’t take chairs out of the Bryant Park Reading Room and into the park. A reading...
Seminole bingo
I really can’t relate the trauma that was a visit to the “racino” in Saratoga. I’m not a gambler anyway,...
Roadkill and other thoughts
Roadkill of the day? Washcloths. If I saw one while on my ride this morning, I saw a dozen. Clearly,...
Line of the week
My fourteen-year-old raises her finger in dramatic punctuation and proclaims, a la Adam West, “To the spork factory!”
You’re gonna have a bad time
You just never want to see the words “Obstruction on roadway” in your traffic alerts. I have to pay attention...