At least 2016 can’t happen again.
I generally have a policy against wishing away the days, weeks, months, and years, but 2016 is one I won’t...
The Sleep of Reason
Listen, if you want to have blood drawn by someone who’s never drawn blood before, by all means, have at...
Framing My Life
So, what does a man of a certain age (let’s just say that getting to double my current age is...
Why Am I Not Posting?
Take your pick: Tigers ate my homework. I’ve become fabulously well-to-do. The molasses flood. I’m really dedicated to plowing through...
Yeah, baby!
I could produce my own content. Or I could share a video of a giraffe vamping. It’s gonna be pretty...
Too Many Boats
Second year in a row of giving into certain realities with regard to vacation – where we want to be...
A Cabin in the Woods, and a Little Family History
(This also appears on my history website, After years of good intentions but poor execution, of being somewhat nearby...
A Moment of Perfect Wind
The wind has been howling around here lately, just howling, which has made for some trying bike rides. Last week...
I’m Used to a Stair with Some Stares
(If that “Arrested Development” reference means nothing to you, just let it go.) When we moved, our house was what...
What a Weekend Looks Like These Days
Drive 250 miles back to the old hometown, hopefully in record time. Get there in time for lunch with old...