Bring on the changes
Please. I mean, there is nothing worse than a big change that just won’t come. It’s like waiting for a...
James Brown
So sad about The Godfather of Soul, and especially sad that I never got to see him in person. So...
Lookie what Santa brung me
A brand new turntable! To play my vinyl long players on!Yes, I’m well aware of which century this is, thank...
Random thoughts
The Nutcracker doesn’t get old, not after 7 years and something like 14-17 performances. Not something I got at first,...
The weekends are doing me in<
/div>It ain’t the work, it’s the weekends. At least in December it is. So crazy busy lately. Friday night, got...
And in video news . . . .
Not really big on videoblogs, or vlogs — more of a reader/writer, and watching college chicks babble just isn’t that...
Vote for the Kennedy of your choice, but vote! Seriously, I’m pimping this pic for JPG Magazine’s “Embrace the Blur”...
‘Tis the season
As much as I love Schenectady (not quite my hometown but definitely the city I grew up with) and as...