Balmy and spooky
Well, that was about the loveliest Halloween night ever. In the 60s, no breeze, a light cloud cover that kept...
Suddenly last night I realized that about $30 worth of pumpkin had gone uncarved, so there was a sudden frenzy...
Taking the fall
Listen, someone has to take the blame when I wake up in the morning with “Lido Shuffle” stuck in my...
The Markers Speak . . . Poetry!
A delightful, hill-climbing ride through the Glenville hills on Friday, a nip in the air but the sun shining hard...
Further roadkill style reports and more
Basking snakes (both alive and dead) are the new dead squirrel tail. I saw at least 100 snakes on the...
Trample, trample, trample!
In our house, if you don’t get up when you’re supposed to, there’s a good chance that you will be...
Fall is here, or maybe it’s been here since August. Raininess, which has plagued us since spring, continues unabated, and...
Roadkill report
Squirrel is the new possum.Specifically, squirrel tail is the new possum. Evidence of the remainder of the squirrel is lacking....