Scanning, scanning, scanning
Spent an afternoon last weekend puttering around in the boxes in my wife’s mother’s basement. There are pluses and minuses...
Bizarre search request
I’m getting flooded with searches for “Kirsten Gum” these days — must be the brunette shag. But the oddest request...
Wanna start a panic?
Here’s what it takes, at least for me: Turn off my internet connection. Even for just a second. I’ll get...
Precision advertising
On the subway today. Three subway cards in a row over the seats. On one end, an ad for The...
The Utata tribal photography group has been working on a nocturnal project that will kick ass. This is one of...
Cap trouble
In the 40 or so years that I have been pouring soda into a glass, I don’t believe I have...
Today is Elvis’s birthday. Not my Elvis, but the Graceland Elvis. I’m not a fan. I know this only because,...
Words always heard together
Today’s entry: “sickening” and “pop.” At least in reference to the sound a knee makes when a 45-year-old dad decides...