Been in hiding
Busy week, with a trip tucked in, so I’ve been out of touch with the world. Had to go up...
A cry for help
If anyone else has recently attended a Quark promotion and heard about the wonders of the “new” Quark (to which...
So what did I do to welcome spring, other than pretend that a large rabbit brings Sweetart eggs and small...
Kitchen disasters
If you ever want to create an unbelievably rancid, awful smell that will spread throughout your house and give everyone...
From the archives
Every now and then, I realize that I just haven’t heard any Raspberries lately. And then I play them (the...
Random notes
Best words you can hear from a 12-year-old on whom you’ve just lavished a fairly nice new present: “Dad! My...
Radio, radio
Heard two very thought-provoking things on public radio lately. One, and I just don’t know what program it was on,...