And boy are my arms tired
Cross-country travel just whacks me. The flight from SCA to ORD wasn’t the worst turbulence I’ve ever been through, but...
In-flight entertainment
Just the video was enough to cure me of any desire to see “Mr. 3000.” I’d heard good things about...
Two desires
I’m going away for a couple of days to a place much warmer and significantly sunnier (and yet where I...
The right to petition
I’m going to start one of those online petitions, this one aimed at Kimberly-Clark, the Scott Tissue people. I want...
Washtub blues
Having nothing in particular to say about the week from hell, I present to you: My mom, as a baby,...
Going skiing
I’m going skiing. In the middle of the week. I feel almost dirty! Haven’t been able to sneak away mid-week,...
Short, cold trip
Where’ve I been? New York City. Reason? Talkin’ to lawyers. Did I take pictures? Too damn cold. Did I stand...
Grocery Bag Blues
I don’t really know quite what was wrong with the bagger at the grocery store tonight. I don’t remember having...