Strange Love
“The Strange Love of Martha Ivers,” to be exact. Man, what a movie. Found a decent DVD of it for...
I’ve got it! The totally derivative TV idea that will finally make me rich, famous, and connected to the Hollywood...
Photos moving to Flickr
I’m giving up on Fotolog, which can’t quite seem to get its act together, and migrating my photos over to...
Snow, book, revolt
If you know anyone in the B’Gapple, you may want to invite them up for the weekend, because the City...
True musical confessions
1 You know that scene in “High Fidelity” where Dick and Barry are sitting in the record store, listening to...
There’s supposed to be a way for me to embed my favorite video ever – Liz Phair’s “Why Can’t I”...
Writing a Ramones Song
Check out this brilliant entry on writing a Ramones song. Nevermind that it’s a couple of years old – the...
If you get home from a long day spent somewhere far away, and your wife greets you with the news...
Air travel
I swear they just announced that “USAirways is paging passenger Nervous Edwards to Gate 37 for immediate departure.” Yes, that’s...
Mid-life crisis, stage seven (or so)
Wherein our hero continues to try to make up for being in his forties by learning how to do things...