Holiday season
Spouse has been super-sick this week, just in time for the holidays, picking up where Rebekah left off. As a...
Is she something else, or what? This is between dress rehearsal and the final performance of The Nutcracker at The...
It was cold in the car and I had my hat over my ears (it’s up to 1 degree fahrenheit),...
Christmas music
Know that great Waitresses Christmas song, “Christmas Wrapping”? Know that line, “Most of ’81 passed along those lines”? Oh my...
‘Tis the season, baby!
I really do wonder why it is our cultural imperative to cram as many life-affirming events as possible into the...
Skiing and more
Skiing. So good. Just such a great way to spend a winter’s day. Sunday was our first day out. Not...
By the way, shame on you!
All you sick puppies who came to one of my photo sites hoping to find pictures of naked Bennington co-eds,...
A weekload of “arrgh!”
The universe can be cruel to those of us with too much old pop music in our brains. The simple...
Fascinating searches that brought people to my site this week: “Please Come for Christmas real audio” — HOME! Please Come...
Unwanted flashbacks
They warned me that listening to Top 40 radio would produce unwanted flashbacks years later, but did I listen? No,...