Found the pain!
Oh yeah, my massage therapist found my injury. Turns out it was a hamstring, and it was actually in the...
The searchers
Searches that brought people to my site today:Duckhunting GirlsThey even shaved his legs this halloween (I have no idea)Rollerblading death...
Yes, “knee jerk,” thank you very much
Never give a wiseacre an opening like that. I should know this by now. Anyway, the diagnosis is “bursitis,” which...
Clever phrase involving “knee”
Well, in fact, I can’ think of one right now. “Knee wall,” though that doesn’t make any sense in this...
Thanksgiving and all that
Yes, it was a delightful day. A friend joined us for the day as her children were elsewhere, we watched...
What am I thankful for?
Well, what do you think? Girls hiking Originally uploaded by carljohnson.
Oh, crap!
Here it is nearly Thanksgiving, and I completely forgot to celebrate Rocktober! Damn!I am so going to get a satellite...
Lunch with a pre-teen
Had an interesting lunch with Hannah last week, right after she had her braces put on (she’s adorable with them,...
A Day In the Life
My day: Meet with foreign dignitaries (note: I’m not afraid of the Dutch! What are they going to do, make...
Pain and Christmas shopping
There’s virtually no difference in my mind, unless I manage to get said shopping done before Thanksgiving, which was once...