Today’s topic
The Hollies’ “Dear Eloise” — minor pop masterpiece, or annoying whine from someone who should never be given a second chance? I’m on the masterpiece side, spouse is feeling otherwise and venting said feelings with some frequency, as I have managed to get this song stuck in the heads of everyone in the house. New Hollies 3-CD set, vastly more Hollies than I wanted, but what I had to get to get everything that I did want. One-third listenable but weak rhythm ‘n’ blues rip-offs (it was the custom at the time), one-third The Hollies that we all know and love, and one-third hippie peace and love crap. “I’m Pegasus, the flying horse”? Please . . . . But man, that toy piano in “Carrie Anne” still does me, and “I’m Alive” has always been welcome in my ears.