If you haven’t ever whiled away a few hours looking at other people’s grocery lists, you simply must. One recent example: “Floss picks / Oreo B Interdental Refills / Ketchup / Nuts / Bourbin”.

I personally view use of a grocery list as a moral failing. Even if I write one out for the unusual things I may need to get on any given week, I will forget to take it with me, and the act of writing it down erases it from my brain, so the whole thing becomes an exercise in frustration. Instead, I rely on fate. If the grocery gods intend me to remember something, it will jump out at me from the shelf. If not, there’s nothing I can do; it was the will of the gods.

Were I to write one, my list for the day would include ” Fix leaky washing machine / check dryer lint / Nutcracker rehearsals / 30k ride / dinner at Marcia’s.” So, I’m off to do it!

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