Misc. Notes
In 1892 NYS Census, appears he lived with Adoniram Peck and Alma Johnson; listed as 16 years old.
39 However, it looks as if he is Adoniram’s grandson, not son; question is, whose son is he? Son of the late Cornelius? Or was he a bonus baby? Maria would have been 52, so that’s unlikely.
In the 1900 census, he is in the town of Jay as the head of household, with wife Elsie. He was listed as born April 1876, 24 years old, and had been married 4 years. He was a farmer, could read and write, and owned his farm free (no mortgage). He and his parents were all born in New York.
10In the 1920 census, he is in the town of Jay as the head of household, with wife Elsie. he was age 43, owned his farm free, could read and write; he and his parents were all born in New York. The censustaker put his name as Cornealaus.
3In the 1925 state census, he is in the town of Jay as the head of household, with wife Elsie. He was age 49, a farmer, living on the Jay-Wilmington Road. A nephew named Walter Smith, age 16, farm laborer, was living with them.
20Two wives, Elsie E. Roberts and Lannie Belle Barger, are buried with him.
261Received in his father’s will half of his furniture and household utensils, in share with Alma. Also: “Third, I bequeath to Cornelius Peck of Jay, Essex Co., NY, two cows, one iron gray mare five years old one buckboard wagon, one single harness, one one- horse winter wagon, one wagon, one heavy farm harness, one cutter, one plow, one pair light sleighs and all other farming tools.” Also received his father’s property, lot 117 of Jay tract., and the right to wear his father’s coon skin coat “whenever he wishes” although the coat itself went to Charles M. Peck.
289Registered for WW I Civilian Draft Sept 12 1918. He is 42 years old, living in Jay. He is a farmer, self-employed. Nearest relative is Elsie Peck. Height medium, build medium, eyes brown, hair gray brown.