Johnson Cath Smith Crisalli family genealogy - Person Sheet
NameKate or Carrie CAMPBELL422,423
Census1900, Saranac Lake, Franklin County, NY10
Father’s Place of BirthNew York10
Mother’s Place of BirthNew York10
Misc. Notes
Joseph Peck had Thomas marrying a Kate Campbell in 1896. The 1900 census lists him married to a Carrie for 3 years, so I think it likely these are the same woman.
In 1900 federal census, Carrie listed her birthdate as August 1865, age 34, and had been married 3 years. She had had 6 children, all still alive, she and her parents were born in New York, and she could read and write.
BirthJul 1858, New York96,421
Occupation1900: day laborer10
Misc. Notes
In the 1900 census, he gave a birthdate of July 1858, age 41, and had been married 3 years. He and his parents were born in New York. He was a day laborer, and had been unemployed 1 month the previous year. He could read and write, and owned his house with a mortgage.
10Assigning children is difficult. He could have adopted Carrie’s kids (they had the Peck surname in the 1900 census), or these could have been Mary’s, but that wouldn’t account for Carrie’s counting having had 6 children. I’ve assigned them to Mary for now.