
Labors of the weekend

This Labor Day weekend has been all about getting things done around the house, things that should have been done over the summer, but it was hot and I was sick and stuff just didn’t get done. Catch up time. Nearly there, really, on Bekah’s room. Gotta frame the closet, put up the drywall (ceiling’s going to be a bear), strip the trim and repaint it. We have this beautiful 8-inch trim, but it’s all covered with layers and layers of paint. Replacing it would be expensive, but I don’t want to lose it, either. It’s just clear pine. I don’t know if I could get it down to stainable levels, but it would look nice stained dark instead of painted.

Yesterday I got out on the bike and pounded out 30 miles. Well, I pounded about 22 miles, and then I begged and whined and pleaded for the power to get home for the last 8. I had gone out hard but thinking I’d come home inside of an hour. My body was struggling a little on the first few hills. Then I started to feel fantastic, and just started winding around the roads of Schodack at high speed. Weren’t many cars, and there were quite a few other bikes out. Temp was just around 73 or so, and the sun was out, so it was just perfect for a bike ride. Then I started to pay for having stood up on the pedals on the uphills, and I began thinking about the flattest route home (there isn’t one). Had to walk up from the lake, but I usually do after a long ride, because that hill is brutal. Great day.

Today, rainy and dull, and I’ve gotta frame that closet. Beats last year’s Labor Day, though, when we were all involved in the shock of the broken arm. Hope not to do that again.

Hey! “Lance Around the Clock” on OLN! Don’t miss it!

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